A primer on the structural issues that dictate the government’s approach to our CPF, our reserves, and our retirement.
The end of horseracing in Singapore has brought with it an avalanche of urgent questions: Where will the horses go? Who will pay for their repatriation? Will they be cared for? It should also evoke deeper considerations of our millennia-old relationship with these majestic creatures.
The unmasking of NRICs and the masking of bungalow deals point to the transactional nature of life here, and to potential challenges for the ruling party.
The harrowing, and powerful, testimony, of a rape and molest victim underscores the need to embed consent as a cultural norm. This is only possible through greater institutional sensitivity, and sex education that’s both comprehensive and nuanced.
Singapore has made big strides towards gender equality, but more support and backing is needed for women from minority groups.
For many of them, necessities such as stable housing, gainful employment, and affordable childcare remain painfully out of reach.