Sudhir Vadaketh

Sudhir Vadaketh

Co-founder | Editor-in-Chief Website

Sudhir’s work is focused on amplifying the voices of people marginalised by dominant power structures. His areas of concern are inequality, corporate and political hegemonies, and social hierarchies.

Sudhir Vadaketh   |  

Ahead of the polls on September 1st, some Singaporeans have vowed to spoil their votes, in protest at what they believe has become a farcical race for head of state. But for the many undecided voters, an analysis of the candidates might help to clarify some doubts before they head to the ballot box.

Sudhir Vadaketh   |  

Throughout his life the boss of hedge fund Quantedge has had to grapple with questions around privilege, tokenism, and meritocracy. They inform his view of the just, equitable and race-neutral Singapore that he is striving to help build.

Sudhir Vadaketh   |  

Far from the temples, four Singaporeans touch the lives of Cambodians and others in Siem Reap. Through their work they demonstrate to others the diversity and benevolence of Singaporeans, and offer those at home much to think about.

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